Thursday 28 February 2019

Mum-of-three spends £19,000 on plastic surgery to look like Meghan Markle... See the outcome!

It's been reported that a number of women all over the world are getting freckle tattoos to look like Meghan Markle but a woman has gone the extra mile to spend £19,000 on plastic surgery just to look like her idol Meghan Markle.

Xochytl Greer, 36, a mother-of-three, from Houston, Texas, claims her daughter confuses the real Duchess of Sussex for her. Xochytl's quest for perfection started after giving birth to daughter Isla nearly two years ago.

The attorney said she felt self-conscious over how her clothes fitted and felt that no matter how much make-up she put on or how she dressed, she would 'never be presentable'. It was then that she started admiring the Duchess of Sussex and became determined to look more like her.

To emulate Meghan, Xochytl has undergone various procedures, including having lip filler and a nose job. She has also undergone liposuction on the stomach, inner and outer thighs, a bum lift, fillers under the eyes, jawline filler and Botox.

After having all the procedures, Xochytl says she now feels like a real princess.

She said:

When I look in the mirror, I’m happy again. I still see me, but a better version of me.

Speaking of why she chose to look like the Duchess of Sussex, 37, the 36-year-old said:

I really like her, I have always thought she was a classy person, she’s very relatable and I think she’s absolutely beautiful.

Beauty wise I thought she was gorgeous, then on a personal level through getting to know her a little more I guess it did enhance my admiration for her.

Knowing the things she went through, that she didn’t grow up with the perfect life and with family struggles made her even more relatable.

The mum believes her cosmetic surgeries were a success because her 23 months old child now shouts "mommy, mommy" whenever she sees pictures of Meghan.

 Xochytl added:

I’m at the point where I feel I can put myself out there in the world again.

Previously I felt no matter how much make-up I put on or how I fixed my hair that I wasn’t properly presentable.

I had very big self-confidence issues, but now I feel I can put on a nice dress and don’t need to wear much make-up because I feel great.

I still wear the same sized clothing but they fit perfectly now, I don’t have big long rolls hanging out of my pants anymore.

I don’t think I look identical to Meghan Markle, but I do see our similarities a lot more now, my nose definitely resembles hers more closely.

She continued:

I also had fillers in my jawline to have a stronger jaw like she does, so I do feel I more strongly resemble her now.

I got out of it what I wanted and I see more of a resemblance to her, whenever my 23-month-old sees Meghan she looks at her and says ‘Mommy, mommy’.

When it happened I just kind of laughing, but it also makes me feel good, like ‘Ok, maybe I can pass for her’ but to me it’s just funny.

The way I carry myself on a daily basis has changed - I like going out again, being in public and feeling good about myself.

The mum said since her surgery, her children Brandon, 17, Kai, 12, and little Isla, 23 months, have benefited all the more as she has more energy.

She added:

When my surgery was unveiled it felt like I was the Princess for the day, it was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.

I feel very self-assured and very confident now. I don’t have to try on five different outfits every day before figuring out what I want to wear now too.

I can throw on the first thing I pick and know I look great, there is a new sense of confidence that Doctor Rose helped me to achieve.

"Please help me get my child back" - Young father shares heartwrenching Facebook post after his daughter was taken from him at gun point by his in-laws

A young Kenyan father, Timon Makswell shared a heartbreaking post after his little daughter was allegedly forcefully taken from him by his late wife's family. Read below:

To my late wife Rena, am really sorry I have failed you, I was not able to keep the only last promise I made to you before you left this world of keeping our baby Tamara safe, away from danger and taking care of her.
To my little girl Tamara, dady is really sorry I could not be able to take care of you any longer. I know I have failed you, I was the only person who was to protect you from these people but instead I chose to let them have you.
“Let’s shoot him”, said one officer as the other four cocked their guns and pointed them at me. This is how I almost got shot yesterday night at Spring Valley police station in Saika. My only crime was taking away my daughter who is currently nine months and taking care of her after my wife died in October 2018.
When I met Rena in 2015 at their farm in Laikipia and started dating her, she was a very jovial and very hard working lady. I did not know that she would someday be the mother of my child and who would later die and leave me with a four months old baby girl to take care of; we started dating as any other young people would but the only difference we had from other people was the kind of love that we had for one another. Then I started noticing Rena getting weak, and when I asked her she told me that she had been diagnosed with some liver problems but she was already on medication and she promised me she will be ok.

I made an effort of making sure that her parents knew about her condition and this is how I got to meet my father and mother in law. Months went by and Rena was now recovering well and could do any work, things never got better in 2016 when we all thought she had recovered fully. This is the time we went to her parents and I asked them to allow me marry their daughter, but before we got home Rena cautioned me that her parents wouldn’t like it since they were against their family marrying from other tribes; I did not want this to stop me from marrying the woman I loved, and to my surprise when we got home and it was time to say why we had visited I did not experienced any resistance.
We went back to Laikipia town where we were staying and continued with our daily hustles, and months passed (though we could visit their home frequently) and in August 2017 Rena got pregnant. We were so happy and worked as twice as hard now that we were expecting a baby. Then the sickness returned and we thought it was just due to her being pregnant, this time it did not go away and Rena had to stop working.

At 4months, Rena’s health started getting worse. We didn’t know what to do, we visited all hospitals in Laikipia to see if we could get some help but nothing changed. Then came the delivery time and since Rena had grown so weak, the doctors at Rimuruti advised that she delivers through C-section. After 3 days of staying in the hospital we were allowed to go home and this is the time when things started getting thick for us. Rena could not sometimes even get out of bed by herself, there was no breast milk and the baby was almost starving. I had to talk to Rena’s mother to give us advice on what we could feed the baby on( being our first child) and she suggested cow milk.
Rena’s sickness went on for about two more months without a change, I was now the only provider to both of us and sometimes I could not even go to work because I had to look after the baby. Then Rena suggested that since she had about two acres of land that she had bought with money from her business I should call her father to come and help us sell the land so that she can seek medical attention in Nairobi. When her dad arrived in our house that day and we told him why we had called him he almost went mad, he said he can not sell that land even if Rena was dying. All this time Rena was all tears and begging him to just sell the land but he insisted and said no. He then told us that he will talk to his brother who works at Better Living in Nairobi (next to Maxwell SDA) to help us out. A month went by and in September 2018 we got a call from Rena’s uncle that we should go to Nairobi.

I went and borrowed some money from one of my friends promising to pay back once we get to Nairobi. We left the next morning and I we carried was a mattress. Rena was so weak, she could not eat anything and would stop to rest after every three minutes of walking. When we got to Nairobi that evening we were given a servant’s quarter in the uncle’s compound in Harlinghum. The  next day Rena was taken to the hospital and the doctor said she should be on drip because she was very weak then return the next day for more tests.

The tests were carried out the following day, and to our surprise the doctor told us that Rena had been bleeding internally from the C-section that she had and that her liver was not improving either. He then gave her some medicine that she needed to take from home. That night I had to talk to Rena’s uncle about looking for a job since I didn’t want to be a burden to the family. He told me that he would get me some job at Better Living which he did after one week. During this time, I was the one nursing Rena and taking care of our baby and when the time came for me to report to the new job that I had just landed, I requested Rena’s aunt to help me with looking after the child while I was at work though I would be returning after every four hours to check on Rena since she could not Annette go to the toilet by herself. She never helped, sometimes I would come back to check on Rena only to find the child crying by Rena’s side because she didn’t have the energy to lift her.

Rena’s health was now worse than it  was when we came to Nairobi, her body started swelling and got to a point that the doctors at Better Living had to draw out the excess fluid, this got me so worried. I kept asking God why he gave me a family only to take the mother of my child away then I had this little voice in my head telling me that “this is also how you came into the world”, but not exactly because for me and my sister we were raised by our grand mother after our parents passed away when I was 4 years old and my sister was 2 years old. But what about my baby girl, what will happen to her since I don’t have parents and even my granny is no more and the way Rena has been insisting that should she die I should not give our child to any of her relative?

Time was running out so fast for Rena, and in October 2018 she died leaving me with just a 4 months old baby. I got so confused, I did not know what to do or whom even to talk to and what was going to happen to my child. I was so afraid she was going to die and follow her mother. When I called Rena’s father and asked what I should do he bluntly told me that he don’t know and that I should talk to his brother (this is one of those families where the one who has money makes decision for everyone) but I had no choice to talk to him and ask him if they can allow me to go and burry my wife at my rural home.

It was a rude shock, his uncle told me that I had not performed the customary marital rights to their daughter and that there is no way they were going to allow me to burry their daughter, he told me that none of my relatives are welcome to Rena’s burial. I later came to learn that during the time Rena was sick in Nairobi this family was busy making birth certificate for my daughter.

But trouble started after Rena was buried in Laikipia, when we got back to Nairobi with the child Rena’s uncle told me that I should leave them the child and go stay on my own, when I inquired with one of Rena’s cousin he told me that the family had taken two children from one of their in laws after their mother died and that they use these children to ask for funds from donors pretending that the children are total orphans. This is when I realized why Rena had insisted that our child should not be taken by anyone but should stay with me.

I had to make a choice between losing our only child and betraying the wishes of my wife and leaving the job I had and starting from scratch, and as you guess any parent could have chose to leave and start a fresh and that is what I did. I then moved to Saika and started looking for a job which one of my friends helped me to secure. I then started getting calls from Rena’s uncle and Annette Kimuomi her sister that I should return their child or they will frame me and take away the child from me. It got to appoint when Annette Kimuomi gave my number to some woman who told me she was from the DCI office in Kileleshwa and that they wanted me to go to that office with the child and give a statement. But after consulting with a friend he told me not to go since these people were so determined to take my child and that they would anything to have this child.

I continued getting threats to a point I had to go to the police and report but the officer I got advised me to go to children’s department and they would be able to help. I visited the office as advised and I was given a letter to take to court so that this family can be summoned, and then something told me to call Rena’s father and inform him that I have been receiving threats and that I was taking the matter to court. Rena’s father apologized and told me those people were acting on their own without his permission and that he would like us to meet with mediators from both sides so that we can solve this issue at family level. He even gave me a date and I had my guys ready but he never showed up, he did not even call. The threats also stopped, and I got releaved thinking that finally they had decided to leave us alone until yesterday at around 5.30pm when I stepped out to buy Tamara milk (she was a sleep) only to be surrounded by police officers who then hand cuffed me and took me to Spring Valley police station in Kayole.
None of the officers told me why I was being arrested, and when we arrived at the station the first person I saw was Annette Kimuomi! Then one of the officers told me that Annette Kimuomi had reported that I had kid napped Tamara and that I have since stopped her from taking medication. Annette Kimuomi had told the officers that Rena died of HIV and that Tamar was born positive, so the officer told me that these people have money and they can do anything so if I  know what is good for me then I should give them the child. I stood my ground and refused to tell them where the child is, I made a few calls to some a few friends who even came to see if they could help but the officers chased them away! It was now 8.30pm am still being held at the police station, no occurrence book was done and when the officers realized that I was not willing to give up the baby one of them went back to talk to Annette Kimuomi and when he came out he called his other two colleagues and talked for a few minutes.
This is when they surrounded me and on of them said, we going to shoot you now as the other four cocked their guns and pointed at me. Then I started thinking to myself, what will happen to my child if I die because it seems these people are willing to got to any extent even if it means killing me so that they can take my child. I gave in, because this is the only way I could have lived to fight this off. I was bundled into the police vehicle and they took my child, that is how I lost my child then one I promised her mother that no one  would ever take away from me. I know I have failed but I still ask myself is there justice in this world?, what did I ever do to this family to make them treat like this?, did I have to die to save my child, and had it be the police to take away my child? Why did Annette Kimuomi have to drug the name of my wife in mad lie that when the whole family knows that Rena died because of liver problem and post birth problems?

As I write this am still shaken because I do not know what their next move is going to be, they may even send someone to kill me so that my story is never heard. For those who are reading this please I beg you, please help me get my child back please.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Photo: White woman shoots man who tried to rob her in South Africa

According to a Facebook user identified as Sediame Roberts Queens, a tsotsi man tried to rob a white lady but ended up dead as she shot him with her gun, out of fear.

The  incident reportedly happened last week in South Africa.

Photos from the scene on an accident where a tanker fell around Ikeja under bridge today

According to RRS officers who were immediately dispatched to the scene of the accident in Lagos today, no life was  lost and no injury recorded.

Efforts are in progress to evacuate the fallen container.  See more photos below...

'Not even the military has conducted such a worst election in our nation's history' - Atiku addresses world press conference

Atiku Abubakar, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has described the just-concluded presidential election as the worst held in the nation in the last 30 years. 

Atiku condemned the election while addressing party supporters and journalists on Wednesday in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

Atiku, who rejected the outcome of the poll, said even the military government conducted a better election than the one conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on February 23rd.

“As I have always said, this year is my three decades in Nigeria’s struggle for democracy; but this is the worst election in those 30 years.

And I told that to General Abdulsalami (Abubakar) two nights ago, when he called me. I said not even the military has conducted such a worst election”  he said.

The PDP candidate alleged that there were a lot of irregularities in the election which saw President Muhammadu Buhari extend his stay in the Aso Villa by another four years. Despite his loss in the election, Atiku insisted that he was confident of victory and vowed to challenge the President’s victory. 

He also told his supporters not to lose hope and asked foreign investors to be patient with the nation, saying he was on the quest of reclaiming his mandate.

The PDP candidate said, “Let me start by thanking you all for choosing democracy as a certain system of government for our great nation.

As you all know, democracy is a government of the people by the people only when the people’s choice prevail.

This is a long journey, but I am confident of victory. All hope is not lost; stay strong, by the grace of God we shall triumph,” he stated.

YPP candidate, Kingsley Moghalu rejects results of presidential election, cautions against civil disobedience

The Young Progressives Party, YPP has rejected the results of the just-concluded Presidential Election, while it accused the major political parties of electoral malpractices. 

The YPP, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Comrade Wale Egbeola, said the decision to reject the results of the election was reached after careful assessment of available facts and proper consultations with stakeholders.

He said, “The YPP after careful assessment of available facts upon proper consultation with relevant stakeholders unequivocally reject the results of the Presidential election, declaring President Muhammadu Buhari as winner.

“Neither APC nor PDP would have deserved to win the Presidential election as both participated in massive rigging that led to the outrageous figures churned out in their perceived strongholds. Our party would not have had any problem accepting the results if it emanated from a transparent process.”

Egbeola disclosed that the YPP also condemned calls for civil disobedience and berated those urging the PDP candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, to run a parallel government. According to him, this call is ill-conceived and capable of disrupting the fragile peace in the nation, while he enjoined all Nigerians to remain calm, eschew violence and go about their legitimate businesses, especially because the blood of a single Nigerian was not worth the ambition of any politician.

“While the PDP continue to battle with karma for their mis-governance of 16 years due to their deliberate refusal to build strong institutions and strengthen the electoral system when they had the opportunity, we urge the Presidential candidate of the PDP, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar to shun the advice of unpatriotic elements and approach the tribunal in hope that the judiciary will deliver justice.”

The YPP spokesperson said the just concluded elections which ought to have been an improvement on that of 2015, may end up lacking in credibility on account of the widespread irregularities and violence recorded in many parts of Nigeria. He said, “The intimidation, maiming and killings of about forty citizens in some states of the Federation such as Rivers, Lagos, Kaduna and Bayelsa, where we can confirm that there was massive rigging by both the APC and PDP will make the 2019 elections one of the most violent in our recent history.

“The Prof. Yakubu Mahmood-led Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, obviously never learnt anything from the sudden postponement, as the shabbily conducted 2019 general elections saw the flouting of the electoral guidelines on the use of card readers to authenticate voters in many parts of the country especially in states like Kano, Jigawa, Katsina, Gombe and Borno, thereby, giving room for unprecedented manipulations.

“We observed that the failure of President Muhammadu Buhari to sign the 2018 Electoral Act Amendment Bill cost him the opportunity to deepen our democracy and his deliberate refusal borne out of his ambition to profit from a flawed electoral system is responsible for the many irregularities and violence that characterized the just concluded elections.

“It is indeed a big shame on the government, on the other hand that failed to reciprocate the patriotic zeal of Nigerians by providing adequate security and a level playing ground for a transparent electoral process that would have reflected the expectations of the people; and just like posterity is currently judging the PDP, it will certainly judge the APC in no distant time.”

The party, he said, also commended all peace-loving Nigerians for their resilience and for exercising their franchise in a peaceful manner in the just concluded Presidential and National Assembly elections.

“The leadership of the YPP also congratulate our Presidential candidate, Professor Kingsley Moghalu, for his undeniable capacity in disrupting the system and redefining politics in Nigeria; the Senator-elect for Anambra South on the platform of our great party, Mr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah, for his doggedness that led to his overwhelming victory; and all our members both at home and in the diaspora for their unrelenting support despite the daunting challenges.”

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Family calls for murder charges after boyfriend allegedly beat KC woman to death

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Her proud dad and step-mom beam with joy when they remember Shenia Davis.

"She was very special. She loved to dance. She was my baby girl," Howard Davis said.

"Shenia was a sweetheart. She never met a stranger and she had a heart of  gold," Kathy Davis said.

Shenia Davis was 35 years old. She worked in housekeeping at the University of Kansas Health System, and she was inseparable from her only child, her little girl.

"She loved her daughter unconditionally. You never saw her without her daughter. She would love to take her daughter to the zoo and out of town," Kathy Davis said.

But Kathy tells FOX4 she never would have imagined something so terrible and dark would happen to such a beacon of light. She went to Shenia's apartment to check on her on May 7, 2018.

"I got there to the apartment complex where she lived with her boyfriend and no one knew anything," Kathy said.

She said she got a phone call and learned that Shenia was undergoing surgery and in critical condition. The young mom was allegedly viciously beaten by her 29-year-old boyfriend, Cory Harris.

Shenia's then 7-year-old daughter told detectives she saw Harris hit her mom with a bottle several times, pull her hair, repeatedly punch her in the face and hit her with a refrigerator door, court documents say.

"My granddaughter said when my daughter went to bend down to pick up this broken glass that Harris kicked her like a football," Kathy said, fighting back tears.

According to court documents, officers said when they arrived to the couple's apartment that afternoon Shenia was "unresponsive and paralyzed from the neck down."

"She couldn't talk. She was just a shell. She could only blink her eyes. This was the first time that we found out about it. We didn't know that she had been in a domestic violent relationship," Kathy said.

Shenia spent months at Truman Medical Center before she was transferred to a Columbia hospital and eventually a rehab center in Iowa.

"One day she moved her arms and that gave us a glimmer of hope," Kathy said. "We started telling her she would come home one day. We thought maybe she would be in a wheelchair, so we started making preparations to remodel our home and turn our living room into her bedroom. However, all of a sudden, she stopped eating. Her health quickly fail and I just think she got tired."

"I went into her room in Iowa and, man, I couldn't believe it. She lost so much weight. She was just skin and bones. It tore me up," her dad said. "I couldn't stand to see my daughter like that and so I told the doctors to take her off a ventilator. Shenia died more than a week ago on Valentine's Day."

Now, as for the suspect, Cory Harris?

"We are meeting with the prosecutors soon, and I will tell them that I think he should be charged with first-degree murder. I don't want him to walk, skate, no manslaughter or anything," Howard Davis said.

Harris is currently charged with first- and second-degree domestic assault. He's being held in the Jackson County jail on a $100,000 bond.

"Not only did he destroy my daughter's life, but he also destroyed my granddaughter's life because she lost her mother," Kathy said. "I just don't want no other parent to go through what we went through. We wear a strong persona and try to be strong for my grand-baby, but this is very hard."

Shenia Davis' funeral will be held on Saturday. Her daughter is undergoing counseling.

In the meantime, help is available for victims of domestic violence. If that's you or someone you know, call 816-HOTLINE.

Davido responds to Nigerians calling him out for staying in South Africa instead of voting at #NigeriaDecides2019

Nigerian popstar, Davido has been one of the very few vocal celebrities urging young people to go out and vote during the Presidential and National Assembly electiosn that took place yesterday.
He was however in South Africa for an event and not in the country to participate in the voting and when people started calling him out, he blamed it on the re-scheduling of the polls,

OAP Moet Abebe shows off her curves in bikini photos

The endowed media personality took to her Instagram stories to show off her massive curves in these new banging bikini photos she shared.

See full photos below.

Anti-drug abuse campaigner hides 5kg heroin inside pawpaw

Kenyan police on Friday arrested a notorious drug trafficker Joseph Njau Ngendo in possession of 5kg of heroin in Nairobi.

Njau, who also doubles up as an anti-drug abuse campaigner, was arrested after falling into a police dragnet shortly after returning from a trip to Kampala, Uganda.

He is suspected of having gone to Kampala to procure the drugs which he had concealed inside pawpaw.

Police, who say Njau is part of a larger heroin distribution network in Nairobi, believe he procured the narcotics from a Nigerian based in Kampala.

PDP rejects Presidential election results

PDP has rejected the results of last Saturday’s Presidential and National Assembly elections being announced by INEC.

The party’s National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, who addressed a press conference in Abuja, described the figures being announced by INEC as incorrect and totally unacceptable.

He alleged that the current administration “colluded” with INEC and security agencies to manipulate results from polling units across the country.

“Our collation centres have the original results from all the polling units in the country. That is from where are going to reclaim our results,” he said.

“The results are incorrect and unacceptable to our party. Officials of the APC working with INEC have decided to alter results to affect our people. This must now be resisted by every well-meaning Nigerian.

INEC must live up to its responsibility. They are under pressure. We have the facts and when the time comes, we begin to release them.”

Secondus added the PDP will update Nigerians “as time goes on” regarding their decisions in other states yet to be announced.

Lagos police nab a hit-and-run driver, hours after being called out by an eyewitness

Bobrisky takes his personal makeup artist on his first trip abroad and it's all expense paid

Bobrisky took his personal makeup artist on an all expense paid trip abroad.

The popular crossdresser's makeup artist has never been out of Nigeria and his first trip was an all-expense paid trip to Dubai, courtesy of Bobrisky.

In a video from Dubai, the makeup artist thanked Bobrisky for his kindness and revealed it's his first time leaving the shores of Nigeria.

Sharing the video to Instagram, Bobrisky wrote:

Dis is not to show off but just to thank God for providing for me to help people and to make them smile. My makeup artist @brushesofzeniba he is a wonderful person too. One thing that keep me moving is I don’t bother wat people say about me. The most important thing is am making the money ?. Lastly thank to my bestie @tontolet for always supporting my movement

Bobrisky takes his personal makeup artist on his first trip abroad and it

Monday 25 February 2019

Photos: Female Corps member allegedly caught in the bush destroying ballot papers in Imo

Facebook user, Oke Tunde,  posted photos of a female Corps member who was allegedly caught destroying ballot papers after yesterday's election in Ndiuloukwu Umuowere, Imo State.

FG warns against plans to truncate the Electoral process

Press statement from the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed. Read below

The Federal Government has strongly warned against ongoing plans by
the desperate opposition to truncate the electoral process and render
the Feb. 23rd elections inconclusive, in order for them to trigger a
constitutional crisis and push for an interim government.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, issued
the warning in a statement issued in Oro, Kwara State, on Monday.

He said the PDP has started laying the groundwork for a constitutional
crisis by unleashing its talking heads, including Buba Galadima, Osita
Chidoka and Femi Fani-Kayode, on the public space to claim victory
from Saturday's election, even when INEC has yet to announce the
result - an action that amounts to a clear case of impunity.

Alhaji Mohammed said by usurping the role of INEC through the
announcement of result, the PDP has violated the Electoral Act and
should face very serious consequences.

''By announcing the result and saying they have won the Feb. 23rd
election, the PDP is deliberately seeking to confuse the polity and
lay the foundation for rejecting the outcome if, when INEC eventually
announces the result, the party does not win.

''This confirms what we said in a series of pre-election press
conferences, that the PDP - realizing it cannot win a free and fair
election - will do everything possible to scuttle the polls, failing
which it will proceed to the next stage, which is to discredit the
entire electoral process, including the result, with the ultimate aim
of precipitating a constitutional crisis and pushing for an interim
government,'' he said.

The Minister also recalled the alarm raised by the Federal Government
over the PDP's decision to set up a parallel electoral body, under the
tag of Parallel Voting Tabulation (PVT) System, which the opposition
party described as a
tool that will determine whether or not it accepts the results of the elections.

''We said, then, that while it is standard practice for political
parties to have their own monitoring systems during elections, what is
not standard is to set up a pseudo electoral commission and imbue it
with the power to collate and announce results - as the PDP is now
doing under the guise of PVT. Unfortunately, our warning has proven to
be prescient,'' he said.

Alhaji Mohammed wondered why those who parade themselves as democrats
will show such disdain for the electoral process, which is a key
ingredient of democracy.

He called on the security agencies to nip in the bud the
constitutional crisis that the PDP is working frantically to trigger,
by immediately arresting and prosecuting anyone who announces the
result of last Saturday's Presidential and National Assembly elections.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Nigeria election 2019: Atiku Abubakar challenges Muhammadu Buhari

Votes are being counted in Nigeria's closely-fought general election, with voting hours extended in some places following delays in the morning.

The main challenger to President Muhammadu Buhari, 76, is the former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, 72.

Whoever wins will have to address power shortages, corruption, security threats, and a sluggish economy.

The election had been due to take place a week ago but was delayed at the last minute for logistical reasons.

President Buhari cast his ballot in his hometown of Daura in the northern state of Katsina. Asked if he would congratulate his rival if he lost, he said: "I will congratulate myself."

Reported attacks
About two hours before polls were due to open on Saturday, residents of the town of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state in the country's north-east reported hearing several blasts and gunfire.

State police said in a statement that there was no threat to public safety. "The gunfire were not targeted at members of the public but was for security purposes," the statement said.

Borno is the birthplace of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, which had said it planned to disrupt the elections.

In the north-eastern state of Yobe, suspected Islamist militants attacked the town of Geidam, forcing people to flee, the Reuters news agency reported.

Why was the election delayed?
The initial vote was rescheduled in a dramatic press conference in the early hours of Saturday 16 February, just five hours before polls were due to have opened.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (Inec) has given several reasons for the delay, including attempted sabotage and logistical issues such as bad weather and problems with delivering the ballot papers.

Inec has said that everything is in place for the poll to take place this time round.

How will the election work?
The candidate with the most votes is declared the winner in the first round, as long as that person gains at least 25% of the votes in two-thirds of Nigeria's 36 states.

There are 73 registered candidates in the presidential election, but campaigning has been dominated by the two political giants and the established party machines behind them.

The president's All Progressives Congress (APC) has promised to take the country to the "next level", arguing that in his first four-year term Mr Buhari has done a lot of "foundational work" that may not be immediately obvious.

Mr Abubakar and his People's Democratic Party have pledged "to get Nigeria working again", saying that the president has wasted the last four years.

Both men are from the mainly Muslim north of the country. While they are in their 70s, more than half of Nigeria's 84 million registered voters are under 35.

Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot for commissioning a 'biofil' public toilet in his constituency

Nollywood actor cum politician, Desmond Elliot representing Surulere constituency at the Lagos State house of assembly is currently under fire online for commissioning a 'biofil' public toilet in his constituency.

According to Desmond Elliot, 'this isnt just a building, its not just a toilet, but one that converts waste to manure so nothing is wasted as we keep the environment clean'.

Nigerians are however not buying his explanation...

CAN reacts to Busola Dakolo's rape allegation against COZA pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo The Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has...